Nine West is kind of a cheapish guilty pleasure. The quality is decent for the price, and I generally find them pretty comfortable. When these shoes first came out they sold out and I couldn't find them in my size. Since I tend to think (and am usually right about this) that nothing is ever really "sold out", I held steadfast on my quest for these shoes. Sure enough, they produced more and more to meet demand, and then found their way to clearance.
While strolling through the mall with a fussy toddler, I stopped in the store to check if my size was in-stock. It was and 5 minutes of protest and a cursory glance at the shoes on me later, I was wearing them out the door. It was only later, when I arrived home did i realize my pinkie toes were trying to escape the confines of these shoes. I guess I'll just have to relegate them to night-time so no one notices. I haven't seen them in-stores, but they are still available many places online.

Fit is slightly large, but true to my US open-toe size. My feet slid forward in these, but rather than size down, I will just have my cobbler add another notch so I can buckle them tighter. Comfort is just "okay" for the height (4"). I wore them out dancing for hours, and while my feet felt like they'd been through the ringer, they at least didn't look like it.
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