When reviewing my heels, I've noticed I don't have a lot that are under 4", or can be worn comfortably all day. I think these shoes meet those requirements, and are stylish to boot. It helps that they were steeply discounted and I had an extra coupon.
These are suede, which I typically reserve for cooler weather, but I think the brighter color lends itself to year-round wear. I can wait to break these out with vintage dresses!

These are actually a 37.5, though a 36.5 or 37 would have been best. They are secure because of the ankle straps, and the extra room will allow me to pad for even more comfort. These seem to be out of stock at most stores, but ShopCoclico has a 38.5, and endless has a 41, though for the savings it's worth calling around various Off 5ths. Post a comment if you would like the SKU #.
I LOVE those! So glad you got them finally. I love when you try something on way back and eventually find it on super sale in your size!
ReplyDeleteDo you mind if I ask if they had more Chies at Off Fifth and if so, what the price range was for them?
I just got a pair of black size 37 Chies from Laws of General Economy and they are cute but a tad too tall and a bit too small for me. I might bring them next haircut to see if you want them. They're barely worn and I got them for insanely cheap.
jess - i had a coupon and they ended up being $108. i didn't see a bunch of other chies (i think i only saw one or two others, but i didn't check any sizes bigger than 37.5 :/) the coupon (from tanger, not a flyer) is for an extra 20% off, and it's good on discounted items too. (some of their flyer coupons aren't good on items already discounted).